Sowing Misinformation- part 2

In the first of these posts (Sowing Misinformation – Part 1), I covered some potential high elf lists. In this post I’ll be looking at:


Dwarves have been my go to army for the last year and so are by far the one I am most familiar with. This didn’t necessarily help in the first group stage, probably down to a combination of my play and my opponents also knowing the dwarves and their capabilities quite well.

With the additional 10 points potentially available, the first list to consider would have to be the one used in the initial group stage. This can be found here (Creation of the Throng) and I’ve gone over it many times before so will swiftly move on.

Using the same army book will also potentially provide 5 additional points and changing the list will provide some variety so is a much more favourable option. This is especially the case here as I have been using a fairly similar list for the last year or so. I already posted some thoughts on what I would change in my dwarf list from when I evaluated how my initial army performed (Army Evaluation) and so the lists below are based around these.



Knoffles Silvertop represents!

This is a fairly typical gun line but with my favored lord. It has a solid anvil of irondrakes and plenty of GW quarrellers


General – Lord on Shieldbearers (Knoffles Silvertop) – some magic items

BSB – Thane  – some magic items

Runesmith  – some magic items

Engineer (Burrnoth Strongarm)


39 Quarrellers (GW)

18 Quarrellers (GW)


1 Gyrocoptor (The Valkyrie)

1 Cannon (Lizardbane)

10 Miners


1 Organ gun (Little Betty)

29 Irondrakes (The Firewardens)


Knoffles Represents again!

This is an alternative version of the first list but just removes the warmachines and adds a horde of hammerers.


General – Lord on Shieldbearers (Knoffles Silvertop) – some magic items

BSB – Thane – some magic items

Runesmith – some magic items


29 Quarrellers (GW)

28 Quarrellers (GW)


39 Hammerers

1 Gyrocoptor


19 Irondrakes

Where did the warmachines go?

This is my variant of the strollaz list. Over  120 troops isn’t bad for the dwarves. Of course there is just the single gyro to act as a chaff blocker and there is a chance scouts could really scupper the dwarf vanguard but as stated before, 40 GW rangers can really ruin someone’s day.


General – Lord on Shieldbearers (Knoffles Silvertop) – some magic items

BSB – Thane – some magic items

Runesmith – some magic items


40 GW Longbeards


20 Miners

1 Gyrocoptor

23 Ironbreakers


40 Rangers



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