Throng of Karak Silvertop – Taking stock

Rather than getting on with any of my EEFL painting pledge this afternoon, when my daughter went down for her nap, I continued to procrastinate and instead dug out my dwarves to take an army shot and take stock of where I am at with them (similar to what I did with the Herd of Khazbar). So without further preamble…

Throng of Karak Silvertop


Lords and Thanes




Runelord and Runesmiths


Ungrim, Daemon and Dragon Slayers


Rank and File


So we’re looking at the following to be finished:

Josef Bugman (part-painted)
Belegar Ironhammer
King Kazador
White Dwarf on shieldbearers (Bugman and Gotrek)
Grimm Burlocksson
Burlock Damminsson
Master Engineer (part painted)
3 Runesmiths (1 part painted)
40 Miners (10 part painted)
16 Quarrellers/Rangers
2 Doom Seekers (part painted)
1 Grudge Thrower and 3 crew
1 Gyrobomber/coptor (will also be magnetised to switch)

So the tally stands at:


Edit: it works out to be around 10k of dwarves under 8th edition rules (but probably only 9k fielded legally and that is using the 50% lord/thane wits allowance).


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